Evil Cartoon Animals Biography
Source (Google.com.pk)
In most episodes, Fliqpy is the same person as Flippy who does good things like Dr. Jekyll and is the evil clone of Filppy, and does bad things like Mr. Hyde, but only if flipped out. At first it was belived that Flippy was doing all of the deeds consciously, but it was later explained in the series that they are different characters inhabiting the same body.
His body features that prove that he is flipped out include his teeth becoming sharp and not buckteeth and his eyes turning into a different color along with his voice. These body features weren't fully explored in the Internet Season 1, where he appeared with his non-evil appearance but was flipped out. This evil state of Flippy is almost always induced by post-traumatic stress from his days at the war. On much lesser occasions, such as Happy Trails Pt. 2 and Random Acts of Silence, Flippy can also turn malicious from anger and stress.
In Double Whammy Part 1 and Autopsy Turvy, he appears as a separate entity. In Double Whammy Part 1, he appears at the end where he dive tackles Flippy. In Autopsy Turvy/Double Whammy Part 2, he fights Good Flippy (normal Flippy) throughout the episode and eventually captures and tortures Good Flippy. It is revealed during the fight that Flipqy doesn't exist and is really just Flippy attacking himself. At the end, an army of good and evil Flippys fight each other and the only survivor is Good Flippy (who is hit by a truck soon afterwards.) This doesn't mean that Flippy won't flip out again in other episodes as he died straight after he got cured. However, in Without A Hitch, he didn't flip out when he logically should have, (e.g. seeing Flaky with a bunch of glass shards in her face, approaching Mime with a Machete). As of now, the possibility that he was permanently cured has been proven false since On My Mind.
Since Autopsy Turvy and Operation Tiger Bomb revealed that Fliqpy is a different character from Flippy, their actions and consequences are only caused for the one that was controlling the body, implying that Good Flippy can't be blamed for all of the murders. Like his counterpart, Evil Flippy rarely dies, but when he does they usually involve trucks or explosions.
Evil Cartoon Animals

Evil Cartoon Animals
Evil Cartoon Animals
Evil Cartoon Animals
Evil Cartoon Animals
Evil Cartoon Animals
Evil Cartoon Animals
Evil Cartoon Animals
Evil Cartoon Animals
Evil Cartoon Animals
Evil Cartoon Animals
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